Asterisk 13.6.0: Is There A Way To Create PJSIP Users And Dialplans Programmatically Using API

Home » Asterisk Users » Asterisk 13.6.0: Is There A Way To Create PJSIP Users And Dialplans Programmatically Using API
Asterisk Users 4 Comments


I am using Asterisk 13.6.0 and was wondering if I can programmatically add users (to pjsip.conf) and dialplan (to extensions.conf) to the Asterisk server using API of some sort.

Please do let me know.

Thanks, Sonny.

4 thoughts on - Asterisk 13.6.0: Is There A Way To Create PJSIP Users And Dialplans Programmatically Using API

  • Sonny

    We use a real-time database for adding pjsip users. If you want to do it from the pjsip.conf you would have to write to the file from a script of some sort and then trigger a reload. There is a real-time implementation for the extensions.conf as well. I personally use scripts for most of my dialplan, but in some cases I write to files included in my dialplan from a script and force a reload.

    To directly answer you question I do not believe there is an API baked into asterisk to update the pjsip.conf and extensions.conf directly from the dialplan.




  • With the right Sorcery configuration, you can also use ARI push configuration. Creating a PJSIP endpoint, for example, can be done with the following:

    $ curl -X PUT -H “Content-Type: application/json” -u asterisk:secret -d
    ‘{“fields”: [ { “attribute”: “from_user”, “value”: “alice” }, {
    “attribute”: “allow”, “value”: “!all,g722,ulaw,alaw”}, {“attribute”:
    “ice_support”, “value”: “yes”}, {“attribute”: “force_rport”, “value”:
    “yes”}, {“attribute”: “rewrite_contact”, “value”: “yes”}, {“attribute”:
    “rtp_symmetric”, “value”: “yes”}, {“attribute”: “context”, “value”:
    “default” }, {“attribute”: “auth”, “value”: “alice” }, {“attribute”:
    “aors”, “value”: “alice”} ] }’

    This wiki page describes how this works, as well as how to set it up:

  • Thanks to everyone for your responses. I grappled with this the past few days, but I have to confess any amount of poking around AMI has not yielded any result. I find the ARI based method most convenient as I am familiar with that interface already. I did not discover this as the ARI method is not documented under ARI information at (but instead under a different left-hand navigation tree in your wiki). But thanks, Matt.

    At any rate, I would like to setup pjsip using a mysql, rather than an astdb based setup with uses a LOCAL db. Is there an online document for configuring the mysql database backend for asterisk. If res_config_mysql.conf is setup, does it mean automatically that it is used instead of astdb sqllite? That part is not clear. Any help or documentation is appreciated.

    Thanks, Sonny.