Archives : March-2018
I noticed that Earlymedia isnt possible as soon as the Media Stream has to pass through Asterisk. In my Scenario I need Local Channels and Earlymedia at the same time. So the Media Stream needs to flow through Asterisk.Is there a Workaround to get Earlyme..
R3JlZXRpbmdzLA0KDQoNCkkgYW0gZ2V0dGluZyB0aGUgZm9sbG93aW5nIGVycm9yIChiZWxvdykg Y29udGludWFsbHkgaW4gbXkgYXN0ZXJpc2sgbG9nLCByZWxhdGVkIHRvIHF1YWxpZnlfZnJlcXVl bmN5IEkgYmVsaWV2ZS4gSSBhbSB0cnlpbmcgdG8gdXNlIHNpcCB0cnVua2luZyB3aXRoIHRoZSBj b21wYW55IGZsb3dyb3V0ZS4NCg0KMyBxdWVzdGlvbnMgaWYgSSBtYXk6DQoNCjEpIElzIHVza..
I thought I had found and answer to this question by using CALLERID(ani) but it seems that only works on versions prior to 12. On Asterisk 13 setting CALLERID(num) before dialing to an external trunk always changes CDR(src) to the number ..
Considering were in the apex of daylight savings time confusions worldwide, I was wondering if theres a way to make IFTIME()timespecs take timezone information. We have offices around the globe that are being handled by a common Asterisk instance, ..
Hey All,Just as a public service announcement, we had a 12-16 hour window with mailing list service interruption.Last night we scheduled a time to update the mailing list server but today found some problems impacting mailing service after the updat..
I received it :-)Am 28.03.2018 um 22:44 schrieb Matt Fr..
All;We do a lot of programming and customizations for Asterisk and normally, we do everything in Perl. For that, we use the CPAN module Asterisk::AMI, and it works great. However, we have several programs that would benefit greatly if they were writ..
Im using the Record dialplan Application in an Context. My goal is to get a single screenshot of the h264 media stream per call. same => n,Record(/tmp/test.wav,0,10,qk)I nicely get a File test.h264. Is there a way to Playback this h264 video file..
I run some offices with similar asterisk configurations, only one experiencing drop-out calls as well.Just visited the impacted office today, discovering their phones are daisy-chained. Still investigating, but im pretty confident correctly wiring t..
all,we are running some Asteriks (version 13 on Debian Stretch) as VM/kvm in datacenter and have trunks with other Asterisk (v1.8 11 or 13) instances behind FW. Problem we face is that when we reboot the DC Asterisks, the trunks (SIP or IAX) become al..