Archives : January-2016
I am running 11.20.0 (64 bit) as a user other than root and using the Console/dsp port (soundcard) output and HDMI.I am getting a warble or clicking noise on the audio. Im connected into the pulseaudio for the logged in user. Pulseaudio works fine ..
I am turning up a PJSIP Endpoint and am having problems when they send an INVITE to my server. Asterisk is returning a 421 Extenstion Required. Sinceextension means different things in the SIP stack versus Asterisk, Idont know what it is complain..
SG93IHRvIGdldCB1c2VyIGV4dGVudGlvbiBubyBpbiBhZ2kgcGhwIHNjcmlwIGZyb20gd2hpY2gg aGUncyBjYWxsaW5nIG9uIGl2ciBpIGFtIHVzaW5nIGNpZCBhbmQgYWJsZSB0byBnZXQgaGlzIG5h bWUgYnV0IG5vdCBoaXMgZXh0ZW50aW9uIG5vIHBsZWFzZSBoZWxwIG1lCgoKClNlbnQgZnJvbSBt eSBTYW1zdW5nIEdhbGF4eSBzbWFydHBob25lLgoKLS0tLS0tLS0gT3JpZ2luYWwgbWVzc2FnZ..
everyone,I have just upgraded to Asterisk 13.7.0-rc2 and noticed that when I type pjsip show endpoints at the CLI, I get No Objects Found.However, if I request information on a specific endpoint, (for example: pjsip show endpoint 101) then I get ..
everybody!Im trying to install a CDR Viewer work well, but my problem is to make Asterisk store to MySQL using ODBCWhen I make a call the CLI returns for meSee the log:== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5– Execut..