Archives : January-2016
I have two servers running pjsip they are both on NAT. The proxy has a static public address. I set the ;external_media_address and ;external_signaling_address the actual IP address in the transport section on the proxy. The is..
SSBhbSB3b3JraW5nIG9uIGFzdGVyaXNrIGl2ciAuaSBhbSBmYWNpbmcgcHJvYmxybSBpbiBjcm9u dGFiLndoZW4gaSBydW4gZXhhbXBsZSBpdCBnaXZlIGJhc2ggNTpjb21tYW5kIG5vdCBmb3VuZCB0aGVuIGkgY2hlY2sgYW5kIGZvdW5kIHRoYXQgbm8gY3JvbnRhYiBmb3Igcm9vdCB1c2VyIGtpbmRs eSBndWlkZSBtZSBwbGVhc2UgCgoKClNlbnQgZnJvbSBteSBTYW1zdW5nIEdhbGF4eSBzbWFyd..
We installed the subject detailed versions on a uptodate debian wheezy. When starting Asterisk we getLoading == Registered RTP glue PJSIP == Registered channel type PJSIP (PJSIP Channel Driver)18:26:10.812 sip_endpoint.c !Module mod-re..
Hello Lets assume we have this situation: Call => SIP TSP => Asterisk1 => IAX2 => Asterisk2 => SIP/ATA => Fax I have two Asterisk Servers in two branch offices, which are interconnected by IAX2 and the Switch functionality. Asterisk1 is connected..