if a PJSIP call fails, how can I capture SIP code, like 503,603 etc?in old SIP channel, we had ${HASH(SIP_CAUSE,)}but in PJSIP it has to be the outbound channel, which is gone when the control returns to the callin..
Author : CDR
Connected to Asterisk 13.13.1 currently running on siptrunks (pid = 336)[Dec9 18:37:34] ERROR[29914]: res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:184 create_rtp: Unable to create RTP instance using RTP engine a..
There is a mistake on version 13.13.0. I have an application on a multihomed box, the calls ingress via one IP and egress via the second IP. It does not work with version 13.13.0.[Dec3 18:31:56] DEBUG[188823]: rtp_engine.c:454 ast_rtp_instance_new:Us..
In version 13.13.0 there is no res_pjsip_keepalive.so res_pjsip_multihomed.soIs th..
I cannot store more than 19 chars in CHANNEL(accountcode). I can certainly store more in the code, but my CDR table, which has an accountcode field varchar(256) only shows 19. There is a disconnect ..
I need to change the automatically generated SIP call ID, from (example)64f61c7a-c68f-498b-8661-b42e5c771363to64f61c7a-c68f-498b-8661-b42e5c771363@my.ip.add.resssince that is the only way to make sure the calls came from my box. How do configure t..
I need to install Asterisk on a MAC, native, no virtualization. Has anybody done this? Are there documents on the Internet?I googled it and all web sites that claimed to help installing Asterisk on a MAC have disappeared. Is it possible at all?Dig..
Is this by design? I executea Dial() with a parameter M(macro) or U(subroutine). Inside either I use the application originate. The variable${ORIGINATE_STATUS} says SUCCESS but no call is actually executed. Should I file a b..
I dial two destination like thisDial(PJSIP/endpoint1/sip:${EXTEN}@${IPA}&PJSIP/endpoint1/sip:${EXTEN}@${IPB})But I need the audio from one of them to be heard by the caller. None gets heard. I switch the order but nothing. How I get the audio for..
There is a big bug https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-24768It affects version 11, but it was fixed only from 13.20 onwards. However, millions of people still use version 11. This bug makes Asterisk crash every few hours under any load t..