Archives : February-2018
Im using Audio-codes MP-114 unit and it has two public lines PSTN portsIN audocodes setting I have:EndPoint Phone NumberChannel: 3phone number: pstn-4444Channel: 4phone number: pstn-9998When I am calling pstn-4444 the port number Channel:3 lights..
again!I tried to attach two VoIP-phones to my new Asterisk 13.14.1 on a Banana PIwith Armbian/Debian 9.First test was to call a test service that say the time. Works!Second test was to record my voice and play it again. Works!Third test was to call ..
!Currently I use Asterisk on an OpenWRT-Switch. Now I want to change to Asterisk 13.14.1 on a Banana PI (withArmbian/Debian 9). Well, I copied the configuration and changed what needed, sobasically, it works, at least with my tests.But w..