Archives : December-2018
aGVsbG86DQpEb2VzIGFzdGVyaXNrLTE2LjEuMSBzdXBwb3J0IGZyZWVwYnggYnkgZGVmYXVs dD8NCg0KL2NvbnRyaWIvc2NyaXB0cy9pbnN0YWxsX3ByZXJlcSBpbnN0YWxsDQoNCi4vY29u ZmlndXJlDQoNCm1ha2UNCg0KbWFrZSBpbnN0YWxsDQoNCm1ha2UgY29uZmlnDQoNCm1ha2Ug ZnJlZXBieCAvLyBJIHJ1biB0aGlzIGNvbW1hbmQgd2l0aG91dCBzdWNjZXNzLiANCg0KYWZ0ZXIgdGhlbiwgd2UgY2FuIGFjY2VzcyB0aGUgZnJlZXBieCBHVUk/IA0KDQp0aGlzIHdlY..
Asterisk Users,While recording german voiceprompts i wondered if there is a structural organisation chart for at present the mailbox system because its hard to find every missing prompt by testing every option of the mailbox. Im looking for sth. l..
Im used to set call-limit in sip.conf Now I switched one customer Asterisk to 16 version and cant get the behavior back, as well for extensions as for queues. I set ringinuse=no for queues and have max_audio_streams = 1 max_video_streams = 0. I wan..
The Asterisk Development Team would like to announce the release of Asterisk 16.1.1. This release is available for immediate download at release of Asterisk 16.1.1 resolves an issue reported..
The Asterisk Development Team would like to announce the release of Asterisk 15.7.1. This release is available for immediate download at release of Asterisk 15.7.1 resolves an issue reported..
The Asterisk Development Team would like to announce the release of Asterisk 13.24.1. This release is available for immediate download at release of Asterisk 13.24.1 resolves an issue reported..
Hello! Im facing a problem concerning MWI. The problem is: The phone switches off the MWI exactly at the moment the second NOTIFY package for one voice mail arrives. The phone switches off MWI independently if the voice mail has been acknowledged..
all,Im not sure this is the place to ask, but here goes…Im using voipmonitor to gather call statistics such as packet counts, average jitter, etc.Eventually, I want to use those stats to detect and alert on poor call quality.However, Im finding t..
whats your experience with asterisk compiled with libsrtp 2.x and WebRTC(pjsip)?
issues/crashes/speed/cpu usage?
official status
Ive edited my diaplan to print some data on screen with statementslike:[foobar]exten = foo,1,Verbose(0,Whatever I need to display)exten = bar,1,Verbose(0,Some more text)When using rasterisk and entering channel originate Local/foo@foobar applicat..