Tag : register
Hello! Im facing a problem concerning MWI. The problem is: The phone switches off the MWI exactly at the moment the second NOTIFY package for one voice mail arrives. The phone switches off MWI independently if the voice mail has been acknowledged..
all,Im trying to resolve a weird issue with SIP routing.I have a number of SIP trunks, from a selection of providers, all of which are registered in sip.conf:[gener..
all, I have a strange issue, with a some kind complicate architecture… A router of our internet provider is in front of another bintec rs353j router, at which my freepbx installation is located. However, NAT etc. seems to work fine. BUT: Someth..
Hello!I occasionally can see warnings like these during *idle* times in asterisk log (asterisk 13.7.2):[2016-06-05 06:11:51] WARNING[27817] pjsip: sip_transactio Unable to register REGISTER transaction (key xists)[2016-06-05 06:11:51] WARNING[278..
HelloI use Asterisk 11 with FreePBX 12. Our SIP Provider is Telekom Germany. We have sometimes problems with incoming and outgoing calls. I hope I can explain it understandable.For example, Asterisk sends a REGISTER to (tel.t-online.de..