Voiceprompt Organisation

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Asterisk Users 2 Comments

Hello Asterisk Users,

While recording german voiceprompts i wondered if there is a structural organisation chart for at present the mailbox system because its hard to find every missing prompt by testing every option of the mailbox. I’m looking for sth. like this:
1-old messages
2-change folder (and below suboptions of 2-change folder)
0- new messages
1- old messages
2- work messages
3- family
4- Friends
3-Advanced Options (and below suboptions of 3-Advanced Options)
1- unavailable message
2- busy message
3- my name
4- temporary greeting
5- change PIN

and so on… Anybody has an idea or link for me where I can read more or get such Info-Sheets. 20 years ago my mobile phone provider sent me such list for its mailbox-system. I think it should already exist, but how to search or where to find?

Thank you,



2 thoughts on - Voiceprompt Organisation

  • Hello (Doug),

    Thats very close to what I’m searching for, but I think I have to give you a more detailed description what I want to do: I want to test all possible prompts on the phone and therefore I am searching for all voice prompts at least one case where it is used. Maybe there is the same chart with the underlying filenames which are played while using the menue?

    Maybe You have a chart like this for the print extensions, too?

    While calling mailbox: “vm-password” (Enter PIN for getting into comedian mailbox)

    Main Menue Options (yellow in your graphic): “vm-opts” (Press 1 for messages, 2 for change folder…)

    1 – messages current: “vm-youhave” “vm-no” “vm-messages”

    Or better: Where is a configuration file for voiceprompt correlation with filenames from /var/lib/asterisk/sounds or can I print it by myself with a rasterisk command or whatever is able to show this?

    When I listen to my messages and press the digit to answer a message I
    can get some of the filenames of the posted png by typing:
    “rasterisk -vvv”
    (copied output and extracted relevant words with following command:)

    grep Playing mailboxtextbausteine | cut -d “‘” -f2 | grep -v
    ‘/var/spool/asteris’ | sort | uniq | cut -d ‘.’ -f1

    vm-advopts vm-and vm-changeto vm-Cust4
    vm-delete vm-extension vm-Family vm-first vm-for vm-forward vm-Friends vm-goodbye vm-helpexit vm-INBOX
    vm-intro vm-last vm-leavemsg vm-messages vm-message vm-next vm-Old vm-onefor vm-opts vm-press vm-prev vm-repeat vm-savefolder vm-savemessage vm-sorry vm-starmain vm-tocancel vm-toforward vm-tohearenv vm-toreply vm-Work vm-youhave

    But there are so many more

    Thank you very much!

    Am Freitag, den 28.12.2018, 07:14 -0500 schrieb Doug Lytle: