Realtime Queue & Agent Groups

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I’m a bit confused on how to group agents (give agents a group number)
when using realtime queues.

I read on the wiki :

* If you include groups in your queue definition the calls get routed
in the order of the group regardless of the specified strategy. So I
just have a member= line for each agent.

member => Agent/@1 ; a group member => Agent/501 ; a single agent member => Agent/:1,1 ; Any agent in group 1, wait for first available, but consider with penalty

In my realtime database I have table queue_members :

| uniqueid | membername | queue_name |
interface | state_interface | penalty |
paused |
| 2916 | testacc77000 | queue7700q4 | testacc77000
| | 0 | NULL |
| 2917 | testacc77001 | queue7700q4 | testacc77001
| | 3 | NULL |
| 2843 | testacc77000 | queue7700q4 | testacc77000
| | 0 | NULL |
| 2905 | testacc7700905 | queue7700q5 | testacc7700905
| | 0 | NULL |
| 2888 | testacc77000 | queue7700q5 | testacc77000
| | 0 | NULL |
| 2900 | testacc77000 | queue7700q5 | testacc77000
| | 0 | NULL |
| 2901 | testacc77001 | queue7700q5 | testacc77001
| | 0 | NULL |

How do I define a group to a certain agent/member in this case ?

Kind regards


One thought on - Realtime Queue & Agent Groups

  • Hello

    any one have some input on this ?

    I’ve already tried changing the membername to : testacc77000/@1
    Is completely ignored.

    I’ve already tried changing the interface to : testacc77000/@1
    Is completely ignored.

    Or is it just not possible to group queue members ??

