Archives : October-2016
I have been working on designs for two different projects, where both of them would need to use the IBM Watson streaming ASR service.Based on our discussion at AstriDevCon, I know there is currently no support for that. However, there may be some workarou..
I need to change the automatically generated SIP call ID, from (example)64f61c7a-c68f-498b-8661-b42e5c771363to64f61c7a-c68f-498b-8661-b42e5c771363@my.ip.add.resssince that is the only way to make sure the calls came from my box. How do configure t..
Lots of little bits in one email to save polluting the list too much today, time for me to try and give a little back, too!Someone posted about sngrep a couple of days ago. What a great tool!Is there a list of useful stuff like this that isnt hopeles..
Has anyone attempted making the web phone accessible? I can only find one company which operated between 1996 and 2000.I was thinking, install Chrome with Chromevox, headless, on a server, and use something like an AGI to send basic keyboard comma..
I have a plain text file, ASCII, unix line breaks. 1 single line, and all that is in it is the word radio.Heres some test dialplan:exten => 5,1,Verbose(Context: ${CONTEXT} Exten:${EXTEN})same => n,Set(feature=${FILE(/home/test/feature-1.txt,0,1,l,u)})s..