Say Duration Of Alaw File?

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Asterisk Users 3 Comments

I can get the size of a ulaw file using STAT. And I can get the duration in seconds by doing filesize/8000.

Your tea-break challenge is to help me find the shortest most Asterisk-like way of saying:

“The following file is [ minutes and] seconds long”.

…without referring to external applications!

Yes, I’m aware of the math behind it, but I was hoping for a nice way than a load of MATH and GoToIf statements 🙂


3 thoughts on - Say Duration Of Alaw File?

  • Alright… How about:

    exten => 100,1,NoOP()
    same =>
    / 8000)])
    same => n,NoOP(Duration is $[FLOOR(${Duration} / 60)] Minutes,
    $[REMAINDER(${Duration},60)] Seconds)
    same => n,Hangup()

  • Thanks – that got me on the right track. Here’s a context I made to test things out – have a play!

    If anyone can think of a more compact way of doing it, I’d be grateful, but this seems to work for now.

    Thanks again, John.

    exten => 9,1,Answer()
    same => n,Set(minSpeech=minutes&and)
    same => n,set(playFile=/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/abandon-all-hope)
    same => n,Gosub(setup)
    same => n,set(playFile=/var/lib/asterisk/moh/reno_project-system)
    same => n,Gosub(setup)
    same => n,Hangup(); tidy up

    same => n(setup),Set(totalTime=$[CEIL(${STAT(s,${playFile}.alaw)} / 8000)])
    same => n(play),ControlPlayback(${playFile},0,3,1,045679#*,,2,o(${CPLAYBACKOFFSET}))
    same => n,Verbose(1,${CPLAYBACKSTATUS})
    same => n,GosubIf($[“${CPLAYBACKSTATUS}”=”USERSTOPPED”]?pause)
    same => n,Verbose(1,${CPLAYBACKSTATUS})
    same => n,GoToIf($[“${CPLAYBACKSTATUS}”=”SUCCESS”]?done:play)

    same => n(pause),Verbose(1,Paused)
    same => n,Set(totalMin=$[FLOOR(${totalTime} / 60)])
    same => n,Set(totalSec=$[REMAINDER(${totalTime},60)])
    same => n,Set(pauseTime=$[{CEIL(${CPLAYBACKOFFSET})} / 1000])
    same => n,Set(pauseTime=${MATH(${pauseTime}+0,i)})
    same => n,Set(pauseMin=$[FLOOR(${pauseTime} / 60)])
    same => n,Set(pauseSec=$[REMAINDER(${pauseTime},60)])
    same => n,Verbose(1,Paused at ${pauseMin} minute and ${pauseSec}
    into ${totalMin} ${totalSec} file)
    same => n,Set(fullSpeech=dictate/paused&digits/at${pauseMinSpeech}${pauseSecSpeech}&vm-duration${totalMinSpeech}${totalSecSpeech})
    same => n,Background(dictate/paused&digits/at)
    same => n,Verbose(1,${totalMin},${totalSec},${pauseMin},${pauseSec})
    same => n,GotoIf($[${pauseTime} > 59 ]?pauseMin:pauseSec)

    same => n(pauseMin),SayNumber(${pauseMin})
    same => n,Background(${minSpeech})
    same => n(pauseSec),SayNumber(${pauseSec})
    same => n,Background(seconds)
    same => n,Background(vm-duration)
    same => n,GotoIf($[${totalTime} > 59 ]?totalMin:totalSec)
    same => n(totalMin),SayNumber(${totalMin})
    same => n,Background(${minSpeech})
    same => n(totalSec),SayNumber(${totalSec})
    same => n,Background(seconds)
    same => n,Return() ; continue where we left
    same => n(done),Set(CPLAYBACKOFFSET=0)
    same => n,Return()

  • This is the most compact I can make it just by tidying up your variables and playbacks:

    same =>
    same => n,Gosub(setup)
    same => n,set(playFile=/tmp/reno_project-system)
    same => n,Gosub(setup)
    same => n,Hangup(); tidy up

    same => n(setup),Set(totalTime=$[CEIL(${STAT(s,${playFile}.alaw)} /
    same =>
    same => n,GosubIf($[“${CPLAYBACKSTATUS}”=”USERSTOPPED”]?pause)
    same => n,GoToIf($[“${CPLAYBACKSTATUS}”=”SUCCESS”]?done:play)

    same =>
    n(pause),Set(ARRAY(totalMin,totalSec,pauseTime)=$[FLOOR(${totalTime} /
    60)],$[REMAINDER(${totalTime},60)],$[{CEIL(${CPLAYBACKOFFSET})} / 1000])
    same => n,Set(pauseTime=${MATH(${pauseTime}+0,i)})
    same => n,Set(ARRAY(pauseMin,pauseSec)=$[FLOOR(${pauseTime} /
    same => n,Playback(dictate/paused&digits/at)
    same => n,ExecIF($[${pauseTime} > 59
    same => n,SayNumber(${pauseSec})
    same => n,Playback(seconds&vm-duration)
    same => n,ExecIF($[${totalTime} > 59
    same => n,SayNumber(${totalSec})
    same => n,Playback(seconds)
    same => n,Return() ; continue where we left
    same => n(done),Set(CPLAYBACKOFFSET=0)
    same => n,Return()