Asterisk Use With Verizon Hotspot
Apparently Verizon is blocking or changing packets on port 5060 so my softphone from my hotspot will not work.
How do I set asterisk (11.23.0) to run default 5060 for all other devices I
have – BUT for my software run on a different port like 5070? I’m using linphone and is easy to change the ports from 5060 to 5070 ( I think).
6 thoughts on - Asterisk Use With Verizon Hotspot
They don’t like competition 😉
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i inboundinterface -s sourceip -d destinationip -p udp –dport 5070 -j DNAT –to destinationip:5060
Or something similar. You may however found that the provider’s filtering is application based rather than port based.
Sounds like you are another victim of SIP ALG. I ended up having to change to a VOIP provider that would allow me to use IAX instead of SIP because there was no way to disable SIP ALG on my Xfinity router:
Changing your port should fix all your worries.
That may work if you control both ends of the SIP connection.
A few years ago I ran into something similar. Using TLS seemed to fix it, but it was a while ago so I might be wrong.