Recommendations For Free Virtual Server Tech And Asterisk?
What is the best virtual server tech (and most stable, etc) to use for a asterisk virtual hosting environment?
I have a client that wants to do virtual hosting of Asterisk (only SIP or IAX, no PRI, etc) and I’m wondering if Xen or something else would be best? We’d like to stay away from the costs of VMWare if possible.
13 thoughts on - Recommendations For Free Virtual Server Tech And Asterisk?
KVM on RH has been good for us.
Proxmox and KVM on Ubuntu
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Le 06/04/2016 18:12, Markos Vakondios a
Work well with kvm and CentOS 7. Some ajustements has to be made with systemd.
I’m using it in production since 1.5 year now, no issue to report.
Regards. Le 6 avr. 2016 21:13, “Yves” a écrit :
Le 06/04/2016 18:12, Markos Vakondios a écrit :
Good evening,
My English is limited but if I can help.
We install Asterisk Version 13.1 on VmWare with Debian 8.2, no problem since June 2015, currently I have tested on Unbutu 14.04 but problem with network-manager (problem of stability with Asterisk 1.8.32 and difficulty with routing network-manager).
I also installed Asterisk on KVM (Debian 8.2) no problem (but not test with dahdi) without particular problem.
here is my little opinion
Hello everyone
Proxmox and KVM on Ubuntu
I have tried with xen and kvm both are working fine.
Might as well throw my hat in the ring!
I can’t say it’s the ‘best’ way to do it, but I’ve been running Asterisk VMs inside the free ‘VirtualBox’ software for many years with nill issues (well, nill related to the hypervisor environment itself anyway!).
If you want to use dahdi dummy driver inside asterisk for timer then this is possible with openvz based container virtualization.
We have tested vicidial in this mode for 5-10 agents and it worked well.
Mitul Limbani
Please dont use OpenVZ with asterisk. My office once told me to make asterisk PBX with OpenVZ on Proxmox (I
forget about the version). It run well when just < 20 SIP user register. It supposed to registered about 400 sip user But, when arround 50-60 SIP user registered to that server, the problem showed. There were lagged SIP registration (Sip user were unregister and register it self, with more then 3000ms lagged time) Calls cannot be made (incoming & outgoing), or dropped off. Although at the end all main server (proxmox) resource was use for that OpenVZ server (main server was xeon intel with 24 core), it doesnt help at all. It was terrible. Later on, i found the article that say that OpenVZ is the most unrecomended for Asterisk server, and XEN is the best one. (but I never use Xen, just go back to non virtual server for now)
OpenVZ provides operating system-level virtualization where the underlying hardware runs a kernel that is shared by all of the virtual machines.
Where OpenVZ gets a bad name is that it’s very easy to provision many more VPSs on a physical server than that server can really handle. This means lots of virtual machines all trying to use the CPU, ram, network etc on the underlying server, resulting in bottlenecks. This might not be a problem on a webserver. If a web server takes half a second longer to display a web page because the server is overloaded then maybe nobody will notice. However, if your VOIP packets are delayed for half a second then you will definitely notice!
Probably the most crucial fact about running Asterisk on a VPS though is who you are sharing the underlying hardware with, and how well the server is managed. Even if there are only a few other virtual servers on that server and they are allowed to abuse the resources available then you will likely get a bad VOIP experience. This can definitely be the case where Asterisk is installed on a general purpose VPS.
Hello there Travis,
You can check the FREE VMware ESXi with Zero $$ Cost if you will not use the enterprise frature google it. or the open source KVM both works great to use in your asterisk production environment and easy of operation management.
That’s odd logic, IMHO.
OpenVZ (and likewise LXC, docker, systemd nspawn, rkt and the likes) are containers: they seperate userspace while running on the same kernel. This greatly reduces the overhead of virtualization compared to full-system virtualization, such as KVM, VirtualBox or VMWare.
The reduced overhead naturally means that service providers are able to overbook their service much more efficiently with openvz and the likes than with vmware and the likes. But this is irrelevant if you run the server.
There is a different issue of separation, but it is parallel to performance.
Tzafrir Cohen icq#16849755
2016-04-06 17:02 GMT+02:00 Dovid Bender:
Are you using something like PCI-passthrough to pass PCI cards to guest machine ?
Has someone tried this ?