Archives : March-2015
I have a call server that runs on a few custom AGI scripts initiating calls and then managing the calls. Im getting stuck on the detecting silence functions. I wanted to use the silence detecting as a quick method of substituting Answering Machine Detection.Howev..
I have a call server that runs on a few custom AGI scripts initiating calls and then managing the calls. Im getting stuck on the detecting silence functions. I wanted to use the silence detecting as a quick method of substituting Answering Machine Detection.Howev..
HelloI use Asterisk 11 with FreePBX 12. Our SIP Provider is Telekom Germany. We have sometimes problems with incoming and outgoing calls. I hope I can explain it understandable.For example, Asterisk sends a REGISTER to (
I am trying to debug a SIP issue, between an Asterisk 1.2.32 system that is behind a network device to which I dont have ready access, which is performing NAT with possibly some kind of SIP ALG, and an Asterisk 11system on a public IP.My question..