Tag : speech recognition
Briefly: I want to be able to have press or say (number), with Asterisk listening for a spoken number, but accepting a DTMF digit, too. Im posting everything I found so far, here, partly to show working, but also in case anyone else finds it usef..
I want to try using google for speech recognition in Asterisk and I found a ready made AGI: http://zaf.github.io/asterisk-speech-recog/ I have followed all the steps listed in the web site but I keep getting this error: AGI Tx >> 200 result=99981 (timeo..
I know Asterisk has a speech recognition interface built in, but Ineed to go beyond that! Please, i need some steer me in the right ..
Im exited to announce that Lefteris Zafiris has written an agi script that uses Google Voice API for voice recognition.As the author says, the script records from the current channel untill the pound key (#) is pressed or the timeout (15 seconds)..