Tag : Debian Wheezy
Hello!Im currently using Asterisk 11 (due to the fact that Debian Wheezy has Ast 11 in backports – so that I can have security updates from my distribution).I recently played a little with Asterisk to be able to hear internet-radios over the local pho..
I need to play some musiconhold content starting at a random duration from the start.Thanks to mode=custom option and either madplay or mpg123 programs, Icould successfully get what I was after on a Debian Wheezy system.Now I realized sox version..
there, I have installed Asterisk version 12.6 (on Debian wheezy) and I note that, only when I make a transfer of call (attended or unattended), the fields dst and dcontex in the CDR are empty. This happen both in MySQL record and in CVS.Someone can conf..
,we want to setup an Asterisk on Debian Wheezy. There will arrive at least 500 parallel calls. All of them we set to parking. Then the receive a playback. After a certain time, we will pick up one caller. All the other calls will be cancelled now. ..
I face a problem which look like the same as David with his thread Asterisk not receiving call from VPN address.I had an Asterisk (Elastix) working well in a VM (Debian Wheezy – KVM) having IP, my phone network is in the range 192.168.10..
Thanks for replying.So as python-starpy requires asterisk in Debian Wheezy repo, for a Debian setup the alternatives are either :- to install it from source- tto build my own custom package removing this asterisk dependency (is it easy or even possi..