all,We would like to pull the RTT of registered endpoints from MySQL for use in a webportal. However it doesnt appear asterisk tables this by default like chan_sip did.Ive found some information [1] that a modification of sorcery.conf can get it writ..
Author : Nick Olsen
All, Im using Asterisk 16.8.0 on a CentOS 7 box. Previously 16.5.0, But recently upgraded to attempt to resolve this issue. Using bundled PJSIP. The PBX is using mysql realtime for most functions. The Mysql server is on the same lan as the asterisk box..
Anyone have any decent ways to handle post dial delay on asterisk? Doesnt seem like theres a timeout I can set for it. Id love a PROGRESSTIMEOUT=field in PJSIP. Basically something to bring down a call attempt if the delay between 100 and 18X is >30..
all,Im migrating a box from PJSIP with normal Flatfiles to ODBC/Realtime, Also 16.0.1 to 16.3.0. After adding a few peers to the new RT box, I noticed a delay in call processing. All I had done thus far is added a few endpoints for upstream carrie..