Hey, trying to use ARI with NodeJS – this doesnt work: play(channel, sound:http://www.nch.com.au/acm/8k16bitpcm.wav);should it?https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/ARI+and+Channels%3A+Simple+Media+Manipulation says:A sound file located on the Aster..
Author : Matt Riddell
I think you’re probably going to be looking for:ari.recordings.getStoredFile({recordingName: val},function (err, bi..
Hiya, When I hang up on a call to my stasis app I’m getting multiple channelDestroyed events for the same channel: app.js:985:13) Channel was destroyed: 1547220509.77 app.js:1029:17) This was a customer app.js:1030:17) Checking if this was a custo..
Hiya, I would have expected this to show the channels in the bridge inside the anonymous function – it shows the bridge is empty though? var bridge = ari.Bridge(); bridge.create({ type: holding, name: event.application+ bridge }, function(err, brid..
Im writing a node.js backend to pass events via a websocket to a CRM.Basically what I want to do is notice when things happen (i.e. new channel, new bridge etc) without sending the channels to the Stasis app.The channels Im interested in are agents ..