AMI Versions

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Asterisk Users 5 Comments

Is there a web page that lists the AMI versions mapped to Asterisk versions?

I noticed that the AMI version increased quickly to 9.0.0. Will the AMI
version increase with each Asterisk version increase in the future?



5 thoughts on - AMI Versions

  • aHR0cHM6Ly9kb2NzLmFzdGVyaXNrLm9yZy9sYXRlc3QvQ29uZmlndXJhdGlvbi9JbnRlcmZhY2Vz L0FzdGVyaXNrLU1hbmFnZXItSW50ZXJmYWNlLUFNSS9Bc3Rlcmlzay1NYW5hZ2VyLUludGVyZmFj ZS1BTUktQ2hhbmdlcy8KCk9uIFR1ZSwgSnVsIDExLCAyMDIzIGF0IDExOjU0IEFNLCBUVFQgPFts aXN0c0B0ZWxpdW0uaW9dKG1haWx0bzpPbiBUdWUsIEp1bCAxMSwgMjAyMyBhdCAxMTo1NCBBTSwg VFRUIDw8YSBocmVmPSk+IHdyb3RlOgoKPiBJcyB0aGVyZSBhIHdlYiBwYWdlIHRoYXQgbGlzdHMg dGhlIEFNSSB2ZXJzaW9ucyBtYXBwZWQgdG8gQXN0ZXJpc2sgdmVyc2lvbnM/Cj4KPiBJIG5vdGlj ZWQgdGhhdCB0aGUgQU1JIHZlcnNpb24gaW5jcmVhc2VkIHF1aWNrbHkgdG8gOS4wLjAuIFdpbGwg dGhlIEFNSSB2ZXJzaW9uIGluY3JlYXNlIHdpdGggZWFjaCBBc3RlcmlzayB2ZXJzaW9uIGluY3Jl YXNlIGluIHRoZSBmdXR1cmU/Cj4KPiBUaGFua3MKPgo+IEJyaWFu

  • That answers part two…but is there any mapping of AMI version to Asterisk versions?

    From: asterisk-users [] Is there a web page that lists the AMI versions mapped to Asterisk versions?

    I noticed that the AMI version increased quickly to 9.0.0. Will the AMI version increase with each Asterisk version increase in the future?



  • I can say that Asterisk 13 is 2.x.x though because I just looked, so you can use the version policy to determine what each release is subsequently.

  • I’m trying coresettings through the AMI but getting a permission denied error. I think I’ve added all permissions:



    Where can I find the permission needed for this command?

    From: asterisk-users [] That answers part two…but is there any mapping of AMI version to Asterisk versions?

    No, there is not.

    I can say that Asterisk 13 is 2.x.x though because I just looked, so you can use the version policy to determine what each release is subsequently.