Asterisk Unable To Do DNS Lookups
I’ve noticed on several occasions that if Asterisk starts without a network connection, then even if the network connection is restored, DNS lookups fail.
After the connection is restored I can successfully do NSLOOKUPs from the command line, but the IAX2 registration attempts keep failing because Asterisk has a problem.
My questions are:
1. Is there a way to make Asterisk update (whatever is wrong) and resume successful DNS lookups?
2. Is there a way from the Asterisk CLI to detect when Asterisk enters this state of failed DNS lookups? (Other than tracking IAX2/SIP
registration failures)
One thought on - Asterisk Unable To Do DNS Lookups
There is dnsmgr which is configured in dnsmgr.conf that will periodically refresh. Older modules (chan_iax2 and chan_sip) don’t do lookups at use time, but instead do it once and store the result (unless they support dnsmgr and dnsmgr updates it).
Not really.