Upgrade Asterisk 11 To 13 Or 11-16

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Asterisk Users 8 Comments

I’m planning to upgrade my asterisk-11.25 to ver. 13
or should I go to 11 to 16

Is there any official documentation how to upgrade, what to watch for during upgrade?

8 thoughts on - Upgrade Asterisk 11 To 13 Or 11-16

  • Thanks, yes initially it looked interesting. But I don’t see how “sipp”
    can be use to test my extension.conf dial plan.

  • Sound reasonable. I know it take time to debug the dial-plan after upgrade.

    Can I use sipp, from command line to call my local asterisk specific extension and to observe in another terminal via “asterisk -vvvvvvr”
    what it is doing?

  • Hi,

    Using SIPp to check your asterisk is working has some pitfalls. We recorded SIP invites (as these are the important parts of a call) of a normal call going through the Asterisk. We recorded it the old working way. In General we just compared what we had before with what we have after the upgrade. So if the Headers are Correct (from, to, our own X header, P
    Header etc). Since there are a couple of things you might want to check, e.g. someone is not allowed to place long distance calls, you can check the behavior of the asterisk as well so if the calls get rejected when some user dials some number.

    In SIPp there are these Scenario Files (XML Files) that contain a sequence of SIP Messages to send/receive. Using the receiving of Messages you can specifically check for presence or absence of a Header or a field in a header.

    there are lots of examples in the github repo https://github.com/SIPp/sipp

    For a A calls B call you need to start two SIPp Instances (one sending the call, one receiving the call)
    If your clients register to your Asterisk no not forget to do so, otherwise the Asterisk has no AOR to forward the call to. (Using plain UDP helps here a lot).

    The first check you build up might be some more work even if you never played around with SIPp but all what follows are quite simple and ensure quality.

    for my talk i put everything together you might need to place a simple call to an asterisk https://github.com/sipgate/signaling-test

    the start shell script will start first a registration to your Asterisk and then starts two sipp instances to place the call.

    feel free to use it.
