Multiple IP Addresses And Using Same IP For Outbound Calls As Inbound
We have an Asterisk server with two public IP addresses, let’s say
and Normally calls come in to and are bridged with a call dialled from Asterisk to an external destination. The external destination sees the SIP packet as coming from and the media address in the SDP
is, which is great.
However if we receive a call in to then the call dialled from Asterisk to an external destination still comes from, whereas we want it to come from The source of any dialled call (the IP packet and the SDP media address) should be the same as the address the related inbound call was received to.
For example:
INVITE received to -> Asterisk dials -> INVITE sent from to INVITE received to -> Asterisk dials ->
INVITE sent from to
Does anyone know how this can be achieved?
Thanks in advance for your help,
14 thoughts on - Multiple IP Addresses And Using Same IP For Outbound Calls As Inbound
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If is only on and is only on, create 2 transports, one specifically bound to, transport-
for instance, and another to transport- The names aren’t important as long as you can tell the difference. Then explicitly configure endpoint’s “transport” parameter to
“transport-” and’s “transport” parameter to
“transport-”. In your dialplan, you can see which endpoint the call came in on, and route it out the same endpoint.
If both providers are available from both interfaces, you can create 2
endpoint for each provider:,, and; Then configure each with the same transports as above.
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Hi George,
Thank you for the response. I’m a little unclear on what you mean by a transport. We’re using chan_sip, not pjsip.
Do you mean a device in sip.conf, using bindaddr to set the address to bind for that device? We’ve only used bindaddr in the [general] section before, but if it will work in a device that could be the answer.
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Sorry. I just assume chan_pjsip these days. Not sure how you’d do it for chan_sip.
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OK, thank you George.
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Does anyone know a way with chan_sip to tell Asterisk to use a specific IP
address for its end of the communication for a specific device? Something like:
type = friend host =
ouraddress =
This is for use on a server with multiple IP addresses. There is the
“extenip” setting, but it’s really designed for NAT, and can only appear in the [general] section.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Why not use OpenSips/Kamailoo in between? Where you want you pass it along as is. Where you want change the sdp in opensips/kamailio
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Hi Dovid,
We can change the SDP in Kamailio, but Asterisk will still send its RTP
from its default address. The remote end is strict about accepting RTP from the specified source and won’t accept it. Have you any suggestions to solve that problem?
Thank you.
I didn’t want to post this because its kind of ugly, but we *did*
actually do it a number of years ago to get around this issue with chan_sip.
Our original architecture was based on LXC, and we had large servers running hundreds of containers, each running asterisk. The “host” ran asterisk too, as the gateway for all the container instances.
We once used two of those containers to run asterisk on specific host interfaces (one instance bridged to one nic, the other to the other).
The host asterisk would route calls out one container or the other, with the effect you are looking for…
Jeff LaCoursiere StratusTalk, Inc.
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David, can you play around with the routing table and get the OS to handle it for you? So long as asterisk isn’t calling bind() (or is calling with I would imagine adding a route for the peer, with your normal gateway, and the correct device would work.
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Run rtp proxy on the asterisk box (not sure if it would work since you can’t use the same ports).
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I didn’t want to post this because its kind of ugly, but we *did*
actually do it a number of years ago to get around this issue with chan_sip.
Our original architecture was based on LXC, and we had large servers running hundreds of containers, each running asterisk. The “host” ran asterisk too, as the gateway for all the container instances.
We once used two of those containers to run asterisk on specific host interfaces (one instance bridged to one nic, the other to the other).
The host asterisk would route calls out one container or the other, with the effect you are looking for…
Jeff LaCoursiere StratusTalk, Inc.
I didn’t want to post this because its kind of ugly, but we *did*
actually do it a number of years ago to get around this issue with chan_sip.
Our original architecture was based on LXC, and we had large servers running hundreds of containers, each running asterisk. The “host” ran asterisk too, as the gateway for all the container instances.
We once used two of those containers to run asterisk on specific host interfaces (one instance bridged to one nic, the other to the other).
The host asterisk would route calls out one container or the other, with the effect you are looking for…
Jeff LaCoursiere StratusTalk, Inc.
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Thanks for the suggestions. We’d prefer not to complicate the architecture with additional proxies in front, so will try setting the Linux network routes to see if that helps.
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