AMI Not Responding Correctly

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Asterisk Users 3 Comments

I am communicating with Asterisk 13.18.3 over the AMI and issue the command:

ActionID: 11

Action: command

Command: core show calls

And the response I get is:

Response: Follows

Privilege: Command

ActionID: 11


But where is the call data? What is going wrong on this system? I
confirmed the AMI connection has full read/write permissions. Why is the call data missing from the response?


3 thoughts on - AMI Not Responding Correctly

  • How?

    What happens if (at pretty much the same time) you run the command “core show calls” in the Asterisk command console?

    On my system (Asterisk 13.14.1) I get:

    Action: Command Command: core show calls

    Response: Follows Privilege: Command
    0 active calls
    0 calls processed

    How are you connecting and what are you using to parse the response?

    Try a simple telnet and see if the result is the same:

    $ telnet localhost 5038
    Trying… Connected to localhost.localdomain. Escape character is ‘^]’. Asterisk Call Manager/2.9.0
    Action: login Username: myusername Secret: secretpassword

    Response: Success Message: Authentication accepted

    Event: FullyBooted Privilege: system,all Status: Fully Booted

    Action: Command Command: core show calls

    Response: Follows Privilege: Command
    0 active calls
    0 calls processed


    Response: Goodbye Message: Thanks for all the fish.

    3 logicians walk into a bar. The bartender asks “Do you all want a drink?”
    The first logician says “I don’t know.”
    The second logician says “I don’t know.”
    The third logician says “Yes!”

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  • I have a C app that communicates with the AMI over a socket. The app works fine (has for years), and it dumps a debug log with all tx/rx traffic. So what I posted is exactly what the AMI is responding with. A telnet session would product the same.

    I don’t have access to the CLI, but I did ask the customer to try that command on the CLI. Your output is exactly what I expect (and what I see on other systems)

    The real mystery here is why is the AMI on this system responding strangely?! Permissions? Corruption? Some asterisk config file setting I should look at?


    —–Original Message—–
    From: asterisk-users [] How?

    What happens if (at pretty much the same time) you run the command “core show calls” in the Asterisk command console?

    On my system (Asterisk 13.14.1) I get:

    Action: Command Command: core show calls

    Response: Follows Privilege: Command
    0 active calls
    0 calls processed

    How are you connecting and what are you using to parse the response?

    Try a simple telnet and see if the result is the same:

    $ telnet localhost 5038
    Trying… Connected to localhost.localdomain. Escape character is ‘^]’. Asterisk Call Manager/2.9.0
    Action: login Username: myusername Secret: secretpassword

    Response: Success Message: Authentication accepted

    Event: FullyBooted Privilege: system,all Status: Fully Booted

    Action: Command Command: core show calls

    Response: Follows Privilege: Command
    0 active calls
    0 calls processed


    Response: Goodbye Message: Thanks for all the fish.

    3 logicians walk into a bar. The bartender asks “Do you all want a drink?”
    The first logician says “I don’t know.”
    The second logician says “I don’t know.”
    The third logician says “Yes!”

    Please reply to the list;
    please *don’t* CC me.

  • My first thing to look at would be the /etc/asterisk/manager.conf or
    /etc/asterisk/manager.d/*.conf stanza for the user you’re logging in to AMI
    as, and also the [general] stanza, to check that “the AMI connection has full read/write permissions” really is true.


    How does an Israeli man make beer? Hebrews it.

    Please reply to the list;
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