Asterisk Connectivity To Avaya SM

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Asterisk Users 4 Comments

Hello all, I hope someone can help me with this old Asterisk version. I have to run this version because of a custom IVR written on it. Porting it would take much too long and we’d have to hire a consultant because of all the hooks it has into Oracle databases and real-time information.

We have a brand-new Avaya phone system in place and we will be cutting over to it in late March 2019.


* We have an Asterisk 13.3.2 server with no phones registered to it, acting as a PSTN gateway. Calls come into it and get distributed to other Asterisk boxes with phones.
* If a call comes in from the provider marked as having been dialed as xxx-xxx-6711 (those are digits, not a pattern) it gets routed to the IVR box
* The IVR box runs Asterisk and a custom IVR.

Where we have to get to:

* The new Avaya Session Manager has to have a working SIP trunk to the IVR so it can pass calls that come into xxx-xxx-6711 to it.

What the problem is:

* I don’t fully understand what’s going on here, neither how it works now, nor what I need to do to make Avaya’s SM happy.
* When I do sip show peers on my IVR box, I see the Avaya session manager:

jerec*CLI> sip show peers

Name/username Host Dyn Forcerport ACL Port Status

sessionmgr1 5060 OK (1 ms)

* The Avaya engineer says he is seeing “SIP/2.0 400 Bad FROM header” in his trace screen, and his SM status screen shows “500 NOT REACHABLE” as the status for our IVR.
* He says we are sending

“asterisk” sip:asterisk@(null):0;tag=as682f2c53

as the “From” in the SIP header.

* He wants us to send
or more likely


* Pings from either end to the other work just fine.
* nmap doesn’t show port 5060 open. It shows only port 22/tcp open. But then again, my main asterisk PBX doesn’t show that port open either. So I don’t think that means anything.

The IVR machine (Asterisk sip.conf file has an old section for the old PSTN gateway, and a new section I just added for the session manager. Old section for existing connections to the IVR:

;context=transit-ivr context=incoming disallow=all allow=ulaw canreinvite=no

host=dynamic secret=1NA6oZjTg1rjhZN8lArDgzLI7z8V2fxV
;context=transit-ivr context=incoming dtmfmode=inband

The new section, with many failed experiments commented out, is after the [sipivr] section:
;type=friend port=5060
dtmfmode=inband allowguest=yes qualify=yes promiscredir=yes
;Some have suggested using canreinvite=no with Avaya- didn’t try that yet
;canreinvite=no canreinvite=yes transport=tcp
;context=incoming context=from-internal
;username= disallow=all allow=ulaw allow=alaw tcpenable=yes tcpbindaddr=

Nothing I tried seems to make it stop sending asterisk@(null) in the header. This is supposed to be a sip trunk, not an extension, so I think I should NOT be user a username or secret. I’m not even sure what promiscredir does, or if it’s helping or harming me.

There’s virtually nothing in the logs about this connection, other than this:
[Feb 26 16:05:42] NOTICE[32142] chan_sip.c: Peer ‘sessionmgr1’ is now Reachable. (1ms / 2000ms)

Can anyone help?

Thomas M. Peters | Sr. Systems Administrator |
Desk: 414.343.1720 | Helpdesk: x3400 or
Milwaukee County Transit System

1942 N 17th Street | Milwaukee, WI 53205
Check us out on Facebook & Twitter

4 thoughts on - Asterisk Connectivity To Avaya SM

  • Thomas,

    Does the Asterisk box need to do anything other than handle calls for this one specific IVR? IE does it ever originate calls?

    If it’s only recieving calls then I’d turn on guest access and not even bother with a peer. Just set

    context=transit-ivr allowguest=yes

  • Thanks for the reply John.

    About 85-90% of what this box has to do is just handle calls, but it also has options to transfer calls to the main phone system, which up to now has been another asterisk box. For example, you can hit 6 to be transferred to the Lost & Found Department.

    I do have allowguest set to “yes” already, but of course I also have type=peer and the other stuff for a sip trunk.

    The Avaya engineer is telling me that I need to change my “From” header, and I don’t know how to do that.

    I tried various things in sip.conf and now I get
    … Callerid : “” <>

    My sip.conf file now has: callerid=””

    I have to figure this out in the next few days, or I’m in deep doo-doo.


    Thomas M. Peters | Sr. Systems Administrator | 

    From: asterisk-users Hello all, I hope someone can help me with this old Asterisk version. I have to run this version because of a custom IVR written on it. Porting it would take much too long and we’d have to hire a consultant because of all the hooks it has into Oracle databases and real-time information. We have a brand-new Avaya phone system in place and we will be cutting over to it in late March 2019. Presently:
    • We have an Asterisk 13.3.2 server with no phones registered to it, acting as a PSTN gateway. Calls come into it and get distributed to other Asterisk boxes with phones.
    • If a call comes in from the provider marked as having been dialed as xxx-xxx-6711 (those are digits, not a pattern) it gets routed to the IVR box
    • The IVR box runs Asterisk and a custom IVR.
    Where we have to get to:
    • The new Avaya Session Manager has to have a working SIP trunk to the IVR so it can pass calls that come into xxx-xxx-6711 to it.
    What the problem is:
    • I don’t fully understand what’s going on here, neither how it works now, nor what I need to do to make Avaya’s SM happy.
    • When I do sip show peers on my IVR box, I see the Avaya session manager:
    jerec*CLI> sip show peers Name/username              Host                                    Dyn Forcerport ACL Port     Status sessionmgr1                                                5060     OK (1 ms)
    • The Avaya engineer says he is seeing “SIP/2.0 400 Bad FROM header” in his trace screen, and his SM status screen shows “500 NOT REACHABLE” as the status for our IVR. o He says we are sending
    “asterisk” sip:asterisk@(null):0;tag=as682f2c53
    as the “From” in the SIP header.
    • He wants us to send 
    or more likely

    • Pings from either end to the other work just fine.
    • nmap doesn’t show port 5060 open. It shows only port 22/tcp open. But then again, my main asterisk PBX doesn’t show that port open either. So I don’t think that means anything.
    The IVR machine (Asterisk sip.conf file has an old section for the old PSTN gateway, and a new section I just added for the session manager. Old section for existing connections to the IVR:
    ;context=transit-ivr context=incoming disallow=all allow=ulaw canreinvite=no
    host=dynamic secret=1NA6oZjTg1rjhZN8lArDgzLI7z8V2fxV
    ;context=transit-ivr context=incoming dtmfmode=inband
    The new section, with many failed experiments commented out, is after the [sipivr] section:
    ;type=friend port=5060
    dtmfmode=inband allowguest=yes qualify=yes realm= promiscredir=yes
    ;Some have suggested using canreinvite=no with Avaya- didn’t try that yet
    ;canreinvite=no canreinvite=yes transport=tcp
    ;context=incoming context=from-internal
    fromdomain= disallow=all allow=ulaw allow=alaw tcpenable=yes tcpbindaddr=
    Nothing I tried seems to make it stop sending asterisk@(null) in the header. This is supposed to be a sip trunk, not an extension, so I think I should NOT be user a username or secret. I’m not even sure what promiscredir does, or if it’s helping or harming me.
    There’s virtually nothing in the logs about this connection, other than this:
    [Feb 26 16:05:42] NOTICE[32142] chan_sip.c: Peer ‘sessionmgr1’ is now Reachable. (1ms / 2000ms)
    Can anyone help?

    Thomas M. Peters | Sr. Systems Administrator | 
    Desk: 414.343.1720 | Helpdesk: x3400 or
    1942 N 17th Street | Milwaukee, WI  53205
    Check us out on &

  • All:

    We have made progress.

    We have the Avaya Session Manager showing a good connection now and we’re looking at getting calls across to the Asterisk IVR machine now.

    Seems we were defaulting to UDP and the Avaya SM wanted TCP. They switched the Avaya end to UDP and I made some other settings changes in sip.conf, and it’s working better.

    I’m using a trimmed-down sip.conf suggested by John Kiniston. Thank you very much indeed for your suggestions John.

    My sip.conf file now consists of
    type=peer qualify=yes fromuser=

    But I don’t think it’s the final product; Some tweaking might still be needed. The device is the Avaya Session Manager, and the .103 is the Asterisk-based IVR.

    Thanks again,

    Thomas M. Peters | Sr. Systems Administrator |
    Desk: 414.343.1720 | Helpdesk: x3400 or
    Milwaukee County Transit System <>

    1942 N 17th Street | Milwaukee, WI 53205
    Check us out on Facebook<> & Twitter <>

    From: asterisk-users On Behalf Of Thomas Peters Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 4:11 PM
    To: Asterisk User List (
    Subject: [asterisk-users] Asterisk connectivity to Avaya SM

    Hello all, I hope someone can help me with this old Asterisk version. I have to run this version because of a custom IVR written on it. Porting it would take much too long and we’d have to hire a consultant because of all the hooks it has into Oracle databases and real-time information.

    We have a brand-new Avaya phone system in place and we will be cutting over to it in late March 2019.

  • VGhhbmtzIGZvciB0aGUgcmVwbHkgSm9obi4NCg0KQWJvdXQgODUtOTAlIG9mIHdoYXQgdGhpcyBi b3ggaGFzIHRvIGRvIGlzIGp1c3QgaGFuZGxlIGNhbGxzLCBidXQgaXQgYWxzbyBoYXMgb3B0aW9u cyB0byB0cmFuc2ZlciBjYWxscyB0byB0aGUgbWFpbiBwaG9uZSBzeXN0ZW0sIHdoaWNoIHVwIHRv IG5vdyBoYXMgYmVlbiBhbm90aGVyIGFzdGVyaXNrIGJveC4gRm9yIGV4YW1wbGUsIHlvdSBjYW4g aGl0IDYgdG8gYmUgdHJhbnNmZXJyZWQgdG8gdGhlIExvc3QgJiBGb3VuZCBEZXBhcnRtZW50Lg0K
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