Archives : May-2018
Hello!Im working on a fax solution, which reports the result of each sent or received fax to the database.When using option F or not using option f, its clear which protocol has been used. But if f is used, it could be g711 or t38. Is there any varia..
SXMgYW55b25lIGVsc2UgdXNpbmcgdGhlIEFNSSB3aXRoIHJlc19mYXhfc3BhbmRzcC5zbyBmb3Ig cmVhbC10aW1lIHN0YXR1cz8NCg0KSSBhbSB3b3JraW5nIG9uIG1pZ3JhdGluZyBhIEZBWCBhcHBs aWNhdGlvbiBmcm9tIHJlc19mYXhfZGlnaXVtLnNvIHRvIHJlc19mYXhfc3BhbmRzcC5zby4gSSBo YXZlIG5vdGljZWQgdGhhdCB0aGUgc3BhbmRzcCBtb2R1bGUgZ2VuZXJhdGVzIGZhciBmZXdlciBBTUkgc3RhdHVzIGV2ZW50cyB0aGFuIHRoZSBEaWdpdW0gbW9kdWxlIGFuZCB0aGUgZ2VuZXJhd..
I need some help understanding SIP dialog. Some actor is trying to access my server, but I cant figure out what hes trying to do ,or how.Im getting a lot of these warnings.[May 17 10:08:08] WARNING[1532]: chan_sip.c:4068 retrans_pkt: Retransmission time..
all,I have a user who would like to stream their favorite radio station from iHeart radio for their music on hold.It this TECHNICALLY possible?If so, any pointers would be appreciated.Is this LEGAL in the US?Thanks in adv..
Thinking back to my current practices, I would be very curious to share here about when should applications such as Congestion, Progress or Ringing be used in todays telephony.I would define todays telephony with:- SIP phones- Asterisk- a SIP trunk..
I receive an INVITE/SDP containing: m=audio 11310 RTP/AVP 3 0 101which I interpret as gsm, ulaw, rfc2833.and I reply with an OK/SDP containing: m=audio 15884 RTP/AVP 0 3 101which I interpret as ulaw, gsm, rfc2833.How can I tell which codec was actua..
Finally moving to 13 & PJSIP. Cannot seem to get two (2) Unlimitel SIP accounts working on the same server.Does anybody have a working example?T..
It is my understanding that while Hebrew is supported by Asterisk the sound files are not shipped with it as they are no longer being maintained. Can anyone advise on whats needed to maintain a specific sound package? We are considering to support Heb..
We have been using Voxbone for some time for origination, and they now offer E911 services. We are trying to set this up and having trouble meeting their authentication requirements.I setup a peer as I normally would, with user/pass as they suppl..
allI need to pass a parameter in a thread-safe manner to the Queue pickup macro. This is to know when (and who) picked up an incoming call to a queue and log that to my back-office system with a CURL to a HTTP endpoint.However, the Queue applicat..