Sound Files
It is my understanding that while Hebrew is supported by Asterisk the sound files are not shipped with it as they are no longer being maintained. Can anyone advise on what’s needed to maintain a specific sound package? We are considering to support Hebrew and possibly Yiddish.
2 thoughts on - Sound Files
The actual submission process including what is required is documented on the wiki[1].
They were never official Asterisk sound files. Their license is likewise less free (e.g. regarding modifications).
For Yiddish I guess you also need to add support for the syntax.
I must admit to not knowing Yiddish well enough. I suppose you need a different syntax for it. Look for the string “he” or “de” (with quotes)
in main/asterisk.c and add similar functions.
Also, regarding Any reason not to accept CC-BY-SA-4 for new submissions? Rationale: for the CC licenses ver. 3 there are multiple variants for several countries. For CC ver. 4 there is only a single international version.