Archives : October-2018
Hellousing Asterisk 1.8.32.I notice that there is a spontaneous reboot of the Asterisk system from time to time.When I look in the logs (verbose file) I noticed that every time this occurs its at a moment that there is a MySQL action, be it a loo..
The PJSIP endpoint is configured for ulaw only.Not sure how or why we are seeing the g729 on calls for this endpoint.Would this be a case that asterisk detects the rtp stream is g729 even though its negotiated as ulaw?Why would asterisk change the for..
SGkgYXN0ZXJpc2stdXNlcnMsDQoNCldlIGhhdmUgcmVjZW50bHkgbW92ZWQgdG8gdGhlIDEzLngg YnJhbmNoIG9mIEFzdGVyaXNrIGZyb20gMTEueCwgYW5kIHdlJ3JlIHRyeWluZyB0byBjb3JyZWxh dGUgQ0RSIHJlY29yZHMgZnJvbSBtdWx0aXBsZS1sZWdzIGZvciBiaWxsaW5nIHB1cnBvc2VzLg0KQXMgcGFydCBvZiB0aGlzIGNoYW5nZSB3ZSBoYXZlIGFkZGVkICdsaW5rZWRpZCcgdG8gb3VyIENEUiB0YWJsZSBzY2hlbWEgaW4gYW4gYXR0ZW1wdCB0byBqb2luIHRoZSBtdWx0aXBsZSByZWNvc..
All;A few years back, we put a heck of a lot of effort into developing a software package to analyze call queue data that we want to open source. Its a pretty good package and I would like to dust it off and resurrect it. What I need to do that is h..
I want to be able to send SIP SIMPLE messages via/to my VOIP provider but in trying to do so with MessageSend() I am getting 401 errors back from them, unsurprisingly.They want such messages from me authenticated with my account just as they would ..
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