Passing Arguments To The ‘mailcmd’ Option In Voicemail.conf

Home » Asterisk Users » Passing Arguments To The ‘mailcmd’ Option In Voicemail.conf
Asterisk Users 1 Comment


I’d like to change the default command that is used to send email when a person has a new voicemail. I believe that’s set in voicemail.conf as the
‘mailcmd’ option. The default is to use the /usr/sbin/sendmail -t command. I
wrote a quick test script to see what arguments are passed to the command
(@ARGV), but no arguments were sent. So my question is this, how are arguments sent to the ‘mailcmd’ command?

Thanks in Advance;

John V.

One thought on - Passing Arguments To The ‘mailcmd’ Option In Voicemail.conf

  • From the source there are no arguments, the email body is sent to the command from stdin.
    ( mailcmd < temp-email-body-file ; rm -f temp-email-body-file ) & Richard