How To Execute Priorities Following A Caller Hangup In A Successful Dial?

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Asterisk Users 9 Comments

We’re using Asterisk 14.7.6 and I have a dialplan that ends like this:

same => n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:0:4}@peer1)
same => n,Set(GLOBAL(EpochAtCallEnd)=${EPOCH})
same => n,Hangup()

When peer1 hangsup, the priorities after the Dial are executed fine. But when the caller hangsup during the Dial, the cleanup steps aren’t done. Why?

I did read “Note that on a successful connection, in the absence of the g and G modifiers (below), the Dial command does not return to allow execution of further commands for that extension in that context.” at But it seems not to apply because I’m seeing the ‘g’ behavior without specifying that option, and the
‘G’ option seems intended for a far more complicated scenario.

Cheers, David

9 thoughts on - How To Execute Priorities Following A Caller Hangup In A Successful Dial?

  • If you’re getting “g” functionality without specifying it, congratulations.

    If you want something similar when the callER hangs up, you want to use the F



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  • Thanks, Anthony.

    I added both ‘g’ and ‘F’ options. Now, when the caller hangs-up, my cleanup code is run by both the caller channel and the peer channel, but I only want the caller channel to do that.

    Also, when the peer hangs-up, there is no execution of the priorities following the Dial.

    Finally, is there a way to reset all globals, maybe as a variant of
    “dialplan reload”?

  • Thanks, Eric. I just tried a hangup handler, but it’s showing a similar problem: When the peer hangs-up, the hangup handler is not invoked and the caller channel remains open.

    same =>
    + 1])
    same =>
    same => n,Set(DialForPeer=SIP/${EXTEN:0:4}@${PeerBeingConsidered})
    same => n,Dial(${DialForPeer})
    same => n,Hangup()

    exten => _.,1,NoOp(${PeerBeingConsidered}: Entered handleHangupByCallerOrPeer Calls ${Peer${IndexIntoPeers}CurrentCallsCount})
    same =>
    – 1])
    same => n,Set(GLOBAL(${PeerBeingConsidered}EpochAtCallEnd)=${EPOCH})
    same => n,Return()

    I’ve also tried replacing the Dial above with:

    same => n,Dial(${DialForPeer},,g)

    Cheers, David

  • Don’t use the _. pattern. Ever.

    The call has two channels so it needs two hangup handlers, something like this, though I’ve not tested it.

    exten => _X.,1,Noop
    same => n,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=my_caller_hangup_handler)
    same => n,Dial(SIP/number@peer,b(pre_dial^s^1))
    same => n,Hangup

    exten => s,1,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=my_called_hangup_handler)
    same => Return

    See: and

  • This has been super-helpful, Eric. However, the handleHangupByPeer priorities below are still not run when the peer hangs-up. The last line in the cli when the peer hangs-up is still:
    Strict RTP learning complete – Locking on source address
    (Although sometimes there is also: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission)

    same =>
    + 1])
    ; Ensure that hangup by caller/inbound-channel will invoke handleHangupByCaller. same => n,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=handleHangupByCaller,s,1(args))
    same => n,Set(AddressToReachPeer=SIP/${EXTEN:0:4}@${PeerBeingConsidered})
    ; Ensure that the channel of the peer (i.e. outbound-channel) is configured with hangup handler. same =>
    same => n,Hangup

    exten => s,1,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=handleHangupByPeer,s,1(args))
    same => n,Return

    ; Ensure that GLOBAL(CB${IndexIntoPeers}CurrentCallsCount) is decremented after hangup, and end-of-call-epoch is set. exten => s,1,NoOp(${PeerBeingConsidered} peer channel: Entered handleHangupByCallerOrPeer Calls ${CB${IndexIntoPeers}CurrentCallsCount})
    same =>
    – 1])
    same => n,Set(GLOBAL(${PeerBeingConsidered}EpochAtCallEnd)=${EPOCH})
    same => n,Return

    ; Ensure that GLOBAL(CB${IndexIntoPeers}CurrentCallsCount) is decremented after hangup, and end-of-call-epoch is set. exten => s,1,NoOp(${PeerBeingConsidered} caller channel: Entered handleHangupByCallerOrPeer Calls ${CB${IndexIntoPeers}CurrentCallsCount})
    same =>
    – 1])
    same => n,Set(GLOBAL(${PeerBeingConsidered}EpochAtCallEnd)=${EPOCH})
    same => n,Return

    When the caller hangs-up, handleHangupByCaller is run first, then handleHangupByPeer runs. (And strangely, the value of global CB${IndexIntoPeers}CurrentCallsCount isn’t accessible in handleHangupByPeer.)

    Cheers, David

  • FWIW, I added the following after the Dial, and it doesn’t appear in cli after peer hangup:

    same => n,NoOp(After Dial ${AddressToReachPeer})

    I also tried putting ‘g’ before the ‘b’.

    I also tried removing the context headers of the hangup handlers and predial handler, and just referring to those by extensions. No difference.

  • FYI, we found that our peers don’t hangup properly. But we would still like to know how to get the peer’s hangup handler to fire upon peer hangup, because right now it corrupts our globals by firing after the caller’s hangup handler.

  • Keep it as simple as you can.

    exten => 12345678900,1,Noop(#### Set callER hangup handler CHANNEL(name)=’${CHANNEL(name)}’ SIPCALLID=’${SIPCALLID}’)
    same => n,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=test_caller_hangup,${EXTEN},1)
    same =>
    same => n,Noop(### Running post Dial() dialplan on callER
    same => n,Gosub(test_intercept_caller,${EXTEN},1)
    same => n,Hangup

    exten => _X.,1,Noop(#### Set callEE hangup handler CHANNEL(name)=’${CHANNEL(name)}’ SIPCALLID=’${SIPCALLID}’)
    same => n,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=test_callee_hangup,${EXTEN},1)
    same => n,Dumpchan same => n,Return

    exten => _X.,1,Noop(#### Running callER hangup handler CHANNEL(name)=’${CHANNEL(name)}’ SIPCALLID=’${SIPCALLID}’)
    same => n,Dumpchan same => n,Return

    exten => _X.,1,Noop(#### Running callEE hangup handler CHANNEL(name)=’${CHANNEL(name)}’ SIPCALLID=’${SIPCALLID}’)
    same => n,Dumpchan same => n,Return

    exten => _X.,1,Noop(### Running post Dial() dialplan on callEE
    same => n,Dumpchan same => n,ExecIf($[“${DIALSTATUS}” == “ANSWER”]?Hangup)
    same => n,ExecIf($[“${DIALSTATUS}” == “BUSY”]?Busy)
    same => n,Hangup

    exten => _X.,1,Noop(### Running post Dial() dialplan on callER
    same => n,Dumpchan same => n,Hangup