Archives : December-2017
Currently using PJSIP.First, they want me to get this working with the existing PJSIP configuration, but then setup a second box using chan_sip performing similar work.For PJSIP… I currently have an endpoint configured to a system using IP based authentication..
The Asterisk Development Team has announced security releases for Certified Asterisk 13.13 and Asterisk 13, 14 and 15.The available security releases are released as versions 13.13-cert9, 13.18.4,14.7.4 and 15.1.4.These releases are available for immedi..
I think there is an issue when DTMF are handled with SIP INFO and direct media is enabled.When I receive a SIP INFO, the logs tell me that a DTMF begin is generated, but no related DTMF end is generated, unless the call is ended. Here is an excerpt..