Asterisk 13 Attended Transfer Alcatel
Since upgrading from asterisk 11 to asterisk 13 (I have tested up to the latest 13.16.0 release), we have a problem with attended transfers to an alcatel pbx in which the call being transferred still has music on hold even after the transfer has completed. Is this a known issue? Any new flags that need setting, etc?
Thanks Jason
4 thoughts on - Asterisk 13 Attended Transfer Alcatel
There’s no filed issues about it that come to mind and no new flags that need setting. I’d suggest providing console output and SIP traffic.
How are both machines connected to each other ?
Through a SIP trunk ? A TDM one ?
2017-06-09 9:59 GMT+02:00 Jason TOMLINSON:
Hi, I’ve put the sip output here :
—–Message d’origine—
It certainly shows it happening but nothing stands out as to why. Looks like a bug, go ahead and file one on the issue tracker[1].