Archives : July-2016
GuysI am asking too many questions because we would like to use Asterisk first as a proof of Concept and check from there were it goes.- Does the Voicemail have the option of SMS notification on new drop messages (we have an SMSC so we will use t..
Hi!I have a chan dongle and I want to use PlaySMS with Chan Dongle for send many SMS per day.Is possible to use t..
SGkgR3V5cw0KDQpXaGljaCBtb2R1bGUgb24gQXN0ZXJpc2sgaXMgdGhlIG9uZSBpbiBjaGFyZ2Ug b2YgcGxheWluZyB0aGUgVm9pY2VNYWlsIFNlcnZlciBBdWRpbyB0byB0aGUgZW5kIGN1c3RvbWVy Pw0KSSBoYXZlIHdvcmsgd2l0aCBNUkZQIGJ1dCBpcyBpdCBhIG1vZHVsZSBpbmNsdWRlZCBpbiB0aGUgU1c/IE5lZWQgYW5kIGV4dGVybmFsIHNvdXJjZT8NCg0KQlINCg0KSm9hcXVpbg0KVGhpc..
I would like to known if there is a way to use background without stopping playing the sound file until its end and capture dtmf.i try :background(soundfile)waitexten(10)but background exit immediatly when any dtmf is press and continue to waitex..