Is MixMonitor Command Is Blocking ?
I try to find informations concerning Mixmonitor command, but … without success. MixMonitor command take at last parameter “command”. This command can be a shell script.
When record is over, and this command executed, asterisk wait for a return code or asterisk move to the next dialplan instruction ?
This command is a background task or use ressources in asterisk ?
For exemple, i need to send this file by mail, asterisk have to wait the end of upload file, or can he go to the next instruction ?
Thanks, Regards.
2 thoughts on - Is MixMonitor Command Is Blocking ?
MixMonitor() is non blocking command. It sets recording instructions and jumps to next priority instantly.
Ok Faheem, thanks for your answer.
2016-05-03 16:20 GMT+02:00 Faheem Muhammad: