Double Queue Calls Being Delivered To Agents

Home » Asterisk Users » Double Queue Calls Being Delivered To Agents
Asterisk Users 6 Comments

I posted this over in asterisk-dev, realized I probably should have put it here.

Hi there, We’ve been having a strange issue with a customer’s queues where a queued call will ring an available agent, agent answers, then a second or two later the agent is offered a second call which they cannot answer, since they’re already speaking with a client.

This in turn causes a few issues:
– Agent stats are no longer accurate, as it gets marked down as a ‘missed call’.
– Cannot use ‘autopause’ feature any longer, as the second queue call goes unanswered and pauses the agents.

The basic queue setup is as follows:
Autofill = yes Ringinuse = no Wrapuptime = 5
Strategy = fewestcalls (tried ‘random’ also)
Timeout = 15

We’re on Asterisk 11.21.2 currently.

In talking to a few colleagues, they seem to recall there being an old patch for the Asterisk queues application that inserted a short 100ms delay between delivering first and second calls. I’ve scoured the web today, and found some old forums posts of people looking for something exactly like this, but haven’t found the actual patch, if one even exists.

I’m hoping someone may have some suggestions on some options we can try to eliminate this issue.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

-Derek B

6 thoughts on - Double Queue Calls Being Delivered To Agents

  • I took a look through Asterisk 11 and 13 change logs but didn’t see any mention of that patch/fix. Am I missing something?

    Derek B

  • Sorry for last post — forgot to wipe out the digest contents :/

    Derek B

  • Looks like it will be in the next release as the issue does not have a target release set.


  • Awesome. Thanks again Richard.

    I posted this over in asterisk-dev, realized I probably should have put it here.

    Hi there, We’ve been having a strange issue with a customer’s queues where a queued call will ring an available agent, agent answers, then a second or two later the agent is offered a second call which they cannot answer, since they’re already speaking with a client.

    This in turn causes a few issues:
    – Agent stats are no longer accurate, as it gets marked down as a ‘missed call’.
    – Cannot use ‘autopause’ feature any longer, as the second queue call goes unanswered and pauses the agents.

    The basic queue setup is as follows:
    Autofill = yes Ringinuse = no Wrapuptime = 5
    Strategy = fewestcalls (tried ‘random’ also)
    Timeout = 15

    We’re on Asterisk 11.21.2 currently.

    In talking to a few colleagues, they seem to recall there being an old patch for the Asterisk queues application that inserted a short 100ms delay between delivering first and second calls. I’ve scoured the web today, and found some old forums posts of people looking for something exactly like this, but haven’t found the actual patch, if one even exists.

    I’m hoping someone may have some suggestions on some options we can try to eliminate this issue.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    This issue has been around a long time and was just recently fixed and I think it was just released in the latest v11 version. See

    Looks like it will be in the next release as the issue does not have a target release set.


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