Asterisk Sip.conf Insecure=port, Invite – Doesn’t Work
Hi all.
I have asterisk with sip registered accounts (realtime). Moreover I have SIP trunk defined as type=peer in sip.conf.
When call is incoming from SIP trunk with CLID of one of sip friend defined in MySQL sippeers table asterisk refuses INVITE as not authorized.
I tried to use insecure=port,invite options under SIP trunk definition in sip.conf but this not solves the problen.
Could you point me what could be the solution?
Thanks and regards Jarek
One thought on - Asterisk Sip.conf Insecure=port, Invite – Doesn’t Work
Is only a single SIP trunk behaving this way? Or does this happen with all of your trunks?
What happens if you replicate the configuration in sip.conf instead of your database? Does it work there?
Probably best to pastebin an Asterisk log including “sip set debug on”
output so that we can see what is going on.