Archives : June-2015
Amazing pleasure is ready to be presented by wonderful bab..
again!I always try to get my mobile phone work with my Asterisk. I tried to install Asterisk on my PC (with public IP), but it has problems, too… I think, my UMTS-Provider doesnt want to connect to dynamic IP or my DSL-Provider does not want it, t..
again!I decided, just for fun, to install Asterisk on a server of mine (available in Internet) and to log on my mobile phone on this server.This Server communicate with my Asterisk at home and if I call a phone at home from my mobile phone (logged..
!Since the internal calls work as expected and I can register my Asterisk on an external provider, Id like to add a new feature and allow my mobile phone to connect to my Asterisk and manage calls.Well, first of all, my Asterisk is NOT direct on Inter..