Cannot Get My First WebRTC Experiment To Work.
Hi all,
Trying to do my first WebRTC. Using stock asterisk 1.13.0. I setup the asterisk according to the recipe on the wiki, but cannot get it to work. Dialing from sipml5 on chrome I get no sound, regular bria on standard sip works.
My network setup by the way: I am working from a cable modem, I created the test setup at digital ocean. From my laptop I also have a direct VPN
connection to the asterisk server my laptop being and asterisk being
I think something is wrong with the RTP address negotiation, but I have trouble interpreting the SDP wrt WebRTC and ICE.
1. asterisk seems to be telling sipml5 to send audio to it’s public ip addres, but * sends to
2. the asterisk output does show RTP flows to chrome, but there’s no sound from chrome.
I hope someone can intersperse the output with comments?
Thanks, Antonio
Asterisk console log, and Javascript console output:
One thought on - Cannot Get My First WebRTC Experiment To Work.
Paul Belanger | PolyBeacon, Inc. Jabber: | IRC: pabelanger (Freenode)
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