Weird SIP Stuff
We are seeing something weird we haven’t come across before. It seems they are sending us a different IP in the SIP from URI, than the IP they are actually sending us the traffic from.
Basically, the traffic is coming from but the header is:
Does anyone know if this is normal and how I might make it work with Asterisk. Incoming calls are not matching the we auth on IP only
One thought on - Weird SIP Stuff
EW> Basically, the traffic is coming from but the header is:
EW> f:;tag=4-45026-159e4a6-995949f-159e4a6
The From: header and the socket ip are often different.
Check for Via: headers. Those show the path of the SIP. In your example, look for a Via which mentions
Note that the From does not necessary have to be a sip address reachable from the outside.