I am using asterisk 11.25.2, I generate a way file and use the STREAM FILEagi command… I do not put the suffix on the file to play… Asterisk is playing the file as an slin file and not a wave file. The audio sounds funny or choppy. The only f..
Author : Jerry Geis
All,I am using 11.25.2 and musing on hold. CentOS 7.4I am trying to setup a MusicOnHold() streaming audio.I have one machine I tried this on and it worked. This machine is on the internet. I have another machine behind a firewall that does not pl..
I am trying to use dahdi complete 2.11.1 with a 4.13 kernel. – NOT working for know reasons. I tried applying two patches but still get compile errors. AHHH!How do I just use git to get the latest with the fixes ????This command did not work – I st..
My setup using 11.25.1 was working. When I installed 11.25.2 I now getsort of working.I am using NAT in the setup. When I have an internal phone and call out Iget audio both ways. But when I call IN my phone rings but I have no audio.Is there a new sett..
all,I had a box with CentOS 6… I backed up, installed C7. restored my backups, put back on asterisk 11.25.1 put back my configs and ran a test… All seems good, my device activates like audio is ready to come out – but no audio. CLI looks like everyth..
I just tried this in my extensions.confexten => **,1,Noop(Testing)exten => **,n,Playback(demo-congrats)Did a reload… and the above does not happen. I created as 12 instead of the ** and that works fine.Is there anyway to get the ** to work?I also..
Trying to install asterisk 13 on CentOS 6.The ./configure tells me:configure: error: *** JSON support not found (this typically means the libjansson development package is missing)I dont really need JSON so I thought I would just disable it../config..
I justed happened to look at /var/log/messages…I saw:Apr 21 12:18:40 in.tftpd[22719]: RRQ from filename0004f2034f6b.cfg Apr 21 12:18:40 in.tftpd[22719]: Client File not found0004f2034f6b.cfg Apr 21 12:18:40 in.tftpd[2272..
I found a page that assisted in running asterisk as non-root.My question is why is the default install not more friendly in this manner???I mean basically the instructions changed the permissions to allow GROUPwrite, so 775 instead of 755 and chan..
I can create an audio call file and specify Application: Playback and Data: a path to the audio file, it calls the phone and plays the audio message just fine.I am trying to do the same with a video file. I specify Application:Playback and Data: ..