I am having a problem with my queue_log.When an agent transfers a call I am not getting the extension that was dialed for transfer, I am only getting the name of the macro we use: 1425307308|1425307242.33367|PedidosKosmos|Agente 102|TRANSFER|s|macro-stdexten|13|5..
Author : Carlos Chavez
Can anyone recommend a good WebRTC phone to use with Asterisk? I do not mind if it is commercial or open source.Customers are starting to ask for web solutions and we need to start testing. — Telecomunicaciones Abiertas de México S.A. de C.V. Car..
I just finished installing Asterisk 13 on our test server and I can now use PJSIP to register phones and make and receive calls. The only problem I am having is that when I register multiple phones to a single account only one of them rings.The AOR ..
I am using Realtime on Asterisk 11.5 with a SQLite3 backend. While everything seems to be working fine I keep getting this error on my log files:[2014-02-17 19:55:18] WARNING[20569] res_config_sqlite3.c: Could not execute UPDATE sip_buddies SET ipa..
I have a customer with a more or less unique need.Right now we are using Wombat as a dialer software so they can contact clients for QA purposes.Everything is working very well and their contact center productivity is way up from the old manual dial..