Archives : October-2018
Ive just read this [1] blog entry. Im completely new with statsd.My questions are:1. This [1] mentions both res_chan_stats and res_endpoint_stats. I cant find any or file in my debian Stretch asterisk box. W..
On a freshly update Debian Stretch packaged-Asterisk (13.14.1) box, Im reading this:asterisktuto*CLI> module load Unable to load module Command module load failed.[Oct9 12:53:26] WARNING[488]: loader.c:1077 load_resour..
I am running Asterisk 11.17 with DAHDI 2.9.0 and an OpenVox A800P with 8x analog POTS lines coming into my Asterisk server from the phone company. Internally, I have about 180 SIP clients defined in sip.conf. What appears to be happening is that if exist..
David If youve got if fixed that way, great. Just thought Id comment and share the scripts / manner we use this, using CURL, and mention one major gotcha I ran into that took me a few hours to solve related with using CURL in CentOS 7 on Asterisk 1.8.32..
Jonas We have more or less this behaviour with when writing CDRs to ODBC on Percona 5.6 (MySQL drop-in replacement with some optimisations and extra features.) In our case the system does NOT reboot, but Asterisk itself crashes with a segfa..
We tried to use the CURL fn to POST json, but its sent as form data and there seems no support for changing the Content-Type header. We switched to invoking curl in the shell.All the documentation I could find says there is just one parameter for ..
Hellousing Asterisk 1.8.32.I notice that there is a spontaneous reboot of the Asterisk system from time to time.When I look in the logs (verbose file) I noticed that every time this occurs its at a moment that there is a MySQL action, be it a loo..
The PJSIP endpoint is configured for ulaw only.Not sure how or why we are seeing the g729 on calls for this endpoint.Would this be a case that asterisk detects the rtp stream is g729 even though its negotiated as ulaw?Why would asterisk change the for..
SGkgYXN0ZXJpc2stdXNlcnMsDQoNCldlIGhhdmUgcmVjZW50bHkgbW92ZWQgdG8gdGhlIDEzLngg YnJhbmNoIG9mIEFzdGVyaXNrIGZyb20gMTEueCwgYW5kIHdlJ3JlIHRyeWluZyB0byBjb3JyZWxh dGUgQ0RSIHJlY29yZHMgZnJvbSBtdWx0aXBsZS1sZWdzIGZvciBiaWxsaW5nIHB1cnBvc2VzLg0KQXMgcGFydCBvZiB0aGlzIGNoYW5nZSB3ZSBoYXZlIGFkZGVkICdsaW5rZWRpZCcgdG8gb3VyIENEUiB0YWJsZSBzY2hlbWEgaW4gYW4gYXR0ZW1wdCB0byBqb2luIHRoZSBtdWx0aXBsZSByZWNvc..
All;A few years back, we put a heck of a lot of effort into developing a software package to analyze call queue data that we want to open source. Its a pretty good package and I would like to dust it off and resurrect it. What I need to do that is h..