Archives : July-2018
Maybe Digium should include a G729 codec inside Asterisk. What is keeping them from..
I am sure Digium would not prefer to acknowledge this, but the phenomenal growth of Asterisk is due to the aavailability of a free G729 codec compiled and distributed free by Arkad..
I just finished installing a brand new server with CentOS 7.5 and Asterisk 13.22.0 and the minute I a call from the PSTN (from a SIP trunk) bridges with any SIP phone Asterisk crashes: Jul 20 10:59:53 localhost kernel: asterisk[2819]: segfa..
I suspect you’re encountering behavior that is working as intended.Normally, when Asterisk plays back a file, it scans the file system for all files with the provided sound file name. For each file that it finds with a given file extension, it pi..
I am having one of those days. We just replaced an old Asterisk 1.8 server with a new Asterisk 13.21.1 (both using Freepbx) and almost everything is working except for some incoming calls directed to a Cisco SPA-8000. The PSTN trunk is SIP..
HelloIm currently using Asterisk 13 with the chan_sip sip driver. The extensions are offloaded via realtime module to a MySQL database (via ODBC). So basically I have a MySQL Table with the SIP users + SIP passwords and the other stuff from the stand..
Guys If I recompile Asterisk (on a CentOS 7 test box, Asterisk multiple times in a row, e. g. make clean;configure;make menuselect;make I note that the asterisk binary in the /main folder in the source tree, has a different SHA256 hash e..
Is there any way of telling Asteirsk to withhold answer subversion on a call till I call Answer.My DP looks like this:[incoming]Exten => 18005551212,1,Noop() same => n,Answer same => n,Mset(__uid=${SIPCALLID}) same => n,MixMonitor(/tmp/FROM_CALLER_${uid}-${START}.W..
The Asterisk Development Team would like to announce the release of Asterisk 15.5.0. This release is available for immediate download at release of Asterisk 15.5.0 resolves several issues repor..
The Asterisk Development Team would like to announce the release of Asterisk 13.22.0. This release is available for immediate download at release of Asterisk 13.22.0 resolves several issues repor..