AMD Min Amount Of Words
Is there any reason why there isn’t a setting for min_number_of_words
+ after_greeting_silence. We have an issue where we get one ring followed by silence and Asterisk thinks it’s a human.
from the logs:
[2018-06-13 11:29:31] VERBOSE[30789][C-00034a08] app_amd.c: — AMD:
initialSilence [3500] greeting [2000] afterGreetingSilence [400]
totalAnalysisTime [5000] minimumWordLength [80] betweenWordsSilence [50]
maximumNumberOfWords [5] silenceThreshold [256] maximumWordLength [5000]
[2018-06-13 11:29:31] VERBOSE[30789][C-00034a08] app_amd.c: — AMD:
Channel [SIP/d1-0000d57a]. Changed state to STATE_IN_SILENCE
[2018-06-13 11:29:32] VERBOSE[30789][C-00034a08] app_amd.c: — AMD:
Channel [SIP/d1-0000d57a]. Word detected. iWordsCount:1
[2018-06-13 11:29:32] VERBOSE[30789][C-00034a08] app_amd.c: — AMD:
Channel [SIP/d1-0000d57a]. Detected Talk, previous silence duration: 1040
[2018-06-13 11:29:32] VERBOSE[30789][C-00034a08] app_amd.c: — AMD:
Channel [SIP/d1-0000d57a]. Changed state to STATE_IN_SILENCE
[2018-06-13 11:29:33] VERBOSE[30789][C-00034a08] app_amd.c: — AMD:
Channel [SIP/d1-0000d57a]. HUMAN: silenceDuration:400