Archives : August-2015
I have a customer where we are putting an Asterisk PBX in front of a legacy (non-VoIP) PBX. One of the requirements it that the Asterisk PBX have 2 PRI ports (one towards the legacy PBX and one towards the carrier) with the ability to go to pass thro..
Im trying to migrate from Asterisk 1.8 to Asterisk 13 and cant figure this one out. Im pretty sure the question has been already asked, but I failed to find a solution.Can you modify CDR values in an h-extension?My cdr.conf contains:[general]enable=yesunanswered=yesendbeforehexten=yesinitiatedseconds=nobatch=no..
Running Asterisk 11 on CentOS 6.x using the DAHDI module with 8x PSTN analog phone lines for outside connectivity. Internally, I am using several models of Yealink SIP phones (e.g SIP-T32G) on a dedicated VoIP network, 192.1..