Archives : February-2015
everyone, I am trying to activate Music On Hold using DB on Asterisk 13. It works fine but in order to use new Music On hold definitions I have to reload the moh module.- The following is my configuration in extconfig.conf – I added the following li..
Im looking into the dialplan specifics:tleilax:~ # tleilax:~ # cat /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf[general]static=yes writeprotect=no[globals]CONSOLE=Console/dsp ; Console interface for ..
I called 102 from 101 successfully!I have everything connected to my home router.Asterisk is running on tleilax, so I used my Android phone to call doge.Worked like a charm.Id been thinking that the firewall was blocking connections, but not at all.Anyh..
I think Im able to connect with Ekiga, at least it reports registered.Curiously, when I exit Ekiga and switch to SFLphone, it isnt able to connect with the exact same parameters; it just says trying and never resolves.Im not able to test outside connectiv..
Pardon, this might be off-topic.Im reading: a setup of ~5 agents, would I be wrong in thinking that a generic 16 port unmanaged switch would fit the bill?The first model to come up for me in an Amazon sea..
Whats the difference between user 123 and devries?Based on the output here, they seem the same..?tleilax*CLI> tleilax*CLI> sip show users Username Secret AccountcodeDef.ContextACLForcerport201password 201defaultNo Yes 123password 123defaultNo Yes devriespassw..
guysI have some questions regarding the above1. Why are there different options for timing?2. What are the differences between these types of timing sources?3. When should you use what?4. Is one timer type more reliable for an Asterisk system under he..
allIs there a relation between the above?Im having a problem where I suspect my internet access provider (through whom I go to a SIP trunk provider) have got MTU size problems.My asterisk ( is constantly going into the situation where a Time..
I **think** that I have user of thufir101, because I get a 200 response below, but I also get a 404.It seems to depend on how I send the ip address/fqdn?tleilax*CLI> tleilax*CLI> sip show users Username Secret AccountcodeDef.ContextACLForcerport201passw..
I have two machines on the internet. Box A and Box B.Box A has a SIP trunk to the world, Making calls box A works fine I have audio to my cell and all works.I defined a SIP trunk between box B and A. tried to make a call originating from box B – to ..