Queue Log Realtime Mysql

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Asterisk Users 3 Comments


I have 5 Asterisk servers all using mysql realtime to store queue log information.

There is 1 out of 5 servers which stores the data in 4 columns : ‘data1’
–> ‘data 5’.

All other servers store data in 1 column ‘data’ with the data seperated by pipe.

I see no difference in my configuration of extconfig.conf and logger.conf. Maybe a hidden default value ?

Can someone tell me which setting makes the mysql realtime driver store data in 1 column or in seperate columns ?

Using Asterisk

Kind regards,


3 thoughts on - Queue Log Realtime Mysql

  • Hello,

    is there any more feedback on this ?

    I still haven’t found the difference in realtime configuration between this 1 server and my 4 other servers.

    Kind regards,
