Author : Shahid H

Home » Articles posted by Shahid H

Could someone kindly explain how does least recent strategy work?According to the config:leastrecent: rings the interface that least recently received a callThat does not explain much in detail. What happen if agent been idle (pause member) or in w..

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I am planning to move Asterisk from physical server to a VM on a ESXi host.VMware datastore / VMs will be stored on the shared storage on the NAS(NSF). I might get Synology NAS.Do you store call live recording on the NAS? There would be around 60concurr..

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SXMgaXQgcG9zc2libGUgdG8gc2hhcmUgYWxsIGFnZW50cyBzdGF0ZT8gaWYgYW4gYWdlbnQgaXMg b24gdGhlIHBob25lIG9uIGEgcXVldWUgb24gb25lIG9mIHRoZSBBc3RlcmlzayBzZXJ2ZXJzLCBv dGhlciBzZXJ2ZXJzIHdpbGwgbmVlZCB0byBhYm91dCBpdCBhbmQgdGhlcmVmb3JlLCB3aWxsIGJl IGFibGUgdG8gb3BlcmF0ZSBhZGVxdWF0ZWx5P0ZvciBpbnN0YW5jZSwgYW4gYWdlbnQgaXMgY..

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