Sun CEO explicitly endorsed Java’s use in Android

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Hello people,

I would like to share this article as I found it of really high relevance to everyone that would like to use Java as a programming language:

“If you believe Oracle’s patent lawsuits against Google for its use of Java in Android, Google has stolen not just patented ideas but directly copied Java code. In short, Google is a red-handed thief and should pay Oracle over a billion in damages. There’s just one little problem with this portrayal of Google as an intellectual property (IP) bandit. When Android first came out, Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz, then Java’s owner, greeted the news with “heartfelt congratulations.” Whoops.

CNET News: Oracle scrubs site of embarrassing Java blog

While Schwartz’s blog post has since been erased by Oracle, Groklaw found the page and has republished it In his note, Schwartz not only congratulates Google “on the announcement of their new Java/Linux phone platform, Android.,” he goes on to announce that “Sun is the first platform software company to commit to a complete developer environment around the platform, as we throw Sun’s NetBeans developers platform for mobile devices behind the effort. We’ve obviously done a ton of work to support developers on all Java based platforms, and we’re pleased to add Google’s Android to the list.”

So, there you go, Java’s owner at the time not only welcomed Android’s use of Java, they were actively supporting it with development tools. So, what do you have to say now Oracle?”

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